And with that, my friends, I am outta here!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Number 9. Number 9.
And with that, my friends, I am outta here!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
And since we haven't been able to say this for the past 40 days,
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Warning! Parental bragging ahead!
It just so happens that a piece of Ike's artwork was entered by his art teacher into the Mastadon Art and Science fair. (Sam's science project was not picked to go, but he was ROBBED, I tell ya!)
Anyway, we went as a family to view his artwork at the fair last Saturday. Here is a lovely shot his 3D cookie watch picture:
I have to tell you that the idea of a cookie watch is just brilliant! It tells the time and functions as a snack all in one. I suppose it wouldn't be very practical as it would be a one use item, but still, it's brilliant! (Hey, it's my kid, I'm supposed to use brilliant 3 times in 4 sentences when I talk about him!)
When we visited the art fair, the exhibits had not been judged. But on Thursday, in the parking lot of Shop n Save, we found out from Ms. Falconnier (the world's coolest art teacher) that Ike had gotten first place!
I'm pretty sure that Shop n Save is not an official location for the award ceremony of the Mastadon art fair, but since we had parked right next to Ms. Falconnier, and she had the awards in her car, we had the medal bestowing right there next to the cart corral!
Unfortunately, I was unprepared for the impromptu award ceremony and did not have my camera. But here is a picture of the proud young man and his blue ribbon at home:
Congratulations, Ike!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Super Sunday!
It's about the great day that was yesterday.
We celebrated Ike's first Holy Communion and finally had Sam's postponed birthday party.
It was one of those days that is stellar from beginning to end. Smiles all around and even a few tears of joy...
Here's a picture of the first Communicants:
I have to tell you that being able to celebrate this milestone with such a wonderful group of friends made the day even more special!
There was a cake at church after the service(were you able to get the cake Jacquie??):
And then we had a party for both boys at home.
This is a fantastic photo of Sam. He is getting ready to blow out his candles (really? That explains the cake with all the candles on it.), but under the table is a cell phone that he has used to dial our house phone which is why he is looking to his right, that is where the phone is.
I was rushing to the phone and he was getting a big kick out of tricking his mother. When you are 11, fooling your mother is just about the funniest thing ever! Anyway, I love the mischievious grin on his face that shows off his dimples.
Here's one more picture of Ike on his big day:
Isn't he the handsome young man? How can he be old enough for his first Communion?
It's a blessing that my boys are surrounded by family and friends that love and support them as they grow up!
In short (too late, Jane, too late), a good time was had by all.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
On a scale of 1-10, he's 11!
Happy 11th birthday, young man! We love you!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
She's number 1! She's number 1!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Gentlemen, start your engines
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Stolen resolution
I hope not, because I am doing it.
Here it is: Take at least one photo a day. Not that I will always subject you to them, but it seems like a fun way to document the year.
I'm stealing it from a poster on the Core board at and from another blogger here
Bad karma, I spit in your general direction!
Maybe I'll be back later with a photo...
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
It's a clean slate
Great party last night! Thanks to our friends Mike and Kathy for hosting again this year. And for letting our boys crash at their house until this morning! And there were PANCAKES for breakfast! Lots and lots of PANCAKES! this morning.
I'll be continuing on this Weight Watchers Core journey that I started in the summer. My one fitness related resolution is to exercise more consistently, with the hope of running another 5k race in the spring.
And my other resolution comes from Luther's explanation of the eighth commandment (2008, eighth commandment, Coincidence? I think not!) "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing…. Live in peace with each other…. Always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. If you want people to speak well of you, then begin by only speaking well of others. Put the best construction on everything. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Instead of telling of people’s faults and shortcomings, speak of their good points, their strengths, their likable qualities."
and Cheers!