Pinewood Derby cars
No, we didn't win. Not even one race. We suck at making fast cars apparently.
And even though Sam's car is emblazoned with the Cross, God was not showing any partiality at the races on Saturday. He got the award for Best Fuel Economy. That is the nice cub scout way of saying SLOWEST. He likes the trophy, so keep your pity!
Ike's car, as one of the other moms said, "shows he's a free spirit." Yeah, that's it.
At least our boys actually made their own cars. The winner of the most creative car came from a first grader whose car was a subway sandwich, complete with the curly lettuce leaves sticking out from the bun (which had tiny little seeds on it). This thing looked like a real subway sandwich. With wheels. Which is the only thing that would stop you from picking it up and trying to eat it. Going out on a limb here, but I'm pretty sure the 7 year old didn't carve the sandwich himself.
Zoom, zoom, zoom!
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