Monday, December 31, 2007

The last day of the year

The last day of 2007!

I've got no pithy sayings or resolutions for you. Just a whole bucket full of gratitude for all the blessings of the last year: Family, health, great friends, new babies, lots of laughs (lots and lots of laughs!), a great church to belong to.

Here's to a new year rich with good health, good friends and good times!

Tiger, we miss you!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Last Book of 2007

World Without End by Ken Follett-If you liked Pillars of the Earth, you will like this one. It's not as good, but it is an interesting story.

Get over the fact that it's 1000 pages long, and that it sometimes reads like a television drama series (sometimes mindless TV is just what I need), and you will enjoy it too.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Hit the Target

Children+Target gift cards=holes burning in pockets

According to Sam, we do NOT own every Star Wars lego set available. Ok, we own every Star Wars lego set available-at Target.