Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It's a clean slate

Happy New Year!

Great party last night! Thanks to our friends Mike and Kathy for hosting again this year. And for letting our boys crash at their house until this morning! And there were PANCAKES for breakfast! Lots and lots of PANCAKES! this morning.

I'll be continuing on this Weight Watchers Core journey that I started in the summer. My one fitness related resolution is to exercise more consistently, with the hope of running another 5k race in the spring.

And my other resolution comes from Luther's explanation of the eighth commandment (2008, eighth commandment, Coincidence? I think not!) "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing…. Live in peace with each other…. Always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. If you want people to speak well of you, then begin by only speaking well of others. Put the best construction on everything. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Instead of telling of people’s faults and shortcomings, speak of their good points, their strengths, their likable qualities."


and Cheers!

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